Ostomy Care
We're here for you for as long as and whenever you need us, regardless of the brand of product you use.
After you enroll, a Secure Start Coordinator will contact you by phone or email to start providing you the benefits of Hollister Secure Start services. Enroll today!
If you have questions about our services or products please call 1.866.789.7574 or email securestartcanada@hollister.com.
Visit the Ostomy Care Learning Center for more information on types of ostomies and lifestyle content, including videos, booklets, and more!
Continence Care
We're here for you for as long as and whenever you need us, regardless of the brand of product you use
After you enroll, a Secure Start Coordinator will contact you by phone or email to start providing you the benefits of Hollister Secure Start services. Enroll today!
Hollister Secure Start Services Reimbursement Program
Are you covered for your catheter products?
Your insurance options could include:
- Private
- Public/government
- Workers' compensation
- Veterans affairs
- Automobile
- Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program
While some policies have annual limits, other will cover you at 100%.
We can help! Contact us now to find out if you're already covered, or if you qualify for funding.
If you need assistance navigating your insurance coverage, or have questions about our services or products, please call 1.800.263.7421 or email canadassscccontact@hollister.com
Visit the Continence Care Learning Center to learn more about neurogenic bladder and bowel disorder!